Monday, May 18, 2015

Unit 7: Absolute Advantage v. Comparative Advantage (4/29)

Absolute Advantage: faster, more, more efficient 
Individual: exists when a person can produce more of a certain good/service than someone else in the same amount of time. 
National: exists when a country can produce more of a good/service than another country can in the same time period. 

Comparative Advantage: lower opportunity cost 
Individual/National: exists when an individual or nation can produce a good/service of a lower opportunity cost than can another individual or nation. 

Input Problems:
The country or individual that uses the least amount of resources, land, or time has the absolute advantage. 

Output Problems:
The country that can produce the most has the absolute advantage. The country that has the lowest opportunity cost has the comparative advantage in that product. Deals with production. 


  1. I really like how your blog is set. your blog helped me get a better understanding of absolute and comparative advantage

  2. Very informative and detailed information. I find it very convenient how you have a visual aid for every topic and that each topic is explained individually and in detail. I really enjoy the advantage portion which is very detailed and you get every component of the topic. Very original and informative blog.

  3. Your notes are very detailed. They are explained well and the pictures you put make them even more clear.
